Communicator, cooker, drinker, poet. Grew up in a mining town, wore a hard hat.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

this one time, when i was really depressed, i...

having wiped tears from my swollen face with his t-shirt, we decided on a proper pissing contest to lighten the mood. this one time, when i was really depressed, i...

g -- masturbated a lot and left guilty kleenexes strewn about the room
k -- didn't change my clothes for days on end, including socks and underwear
g -- spent the gdp of a small country on marijuana cigarettes and pizza
k -- smoked until my fingers were yellow, teeth were yellow and lungs were black
g -- stopped going to class, stopped going anywhere
k -- stopped going to class, stopped going anywhere except the beer store
g -- broke into several cars, using an ax, stole a computer, fucked up a catholic school fence
k -- stole a menu from the chick 'n deli, a couple dollars from you, bounced a cheque
g -- made my mother cry
k -- made my father cry, my mother was crying to begin with
g -- played a lot of video games
k -- slept with a lot of men