for those of you who ride the ttc with any kind of regularity, it's unlikely you've missed the newly agressive attempts to increase tourism in british-columbia. "get to know bc from a to z" the clean and well-designed posters read. which of those letters does not belong? my pulse quickens at the prospect of explanation.
i'm more uptight about these kinds of things than most people, i'll readily admit. but i like to think that it's part of my appeal. don't respond. point is, i am the daughter of protestant parents. i learned several lessons in my first few years of life: square pegs do not fit in round holes, boys are gross, abc does not rhyme with z on this side of the border.
i was shocked to see that our cousins to the west would've chosen a catch phrase that capitalized on a classic americanism. wtf? it occured to me that perhaps they were being ironic, or something. that didn't last long. i feel betrayed. we all know what ad campaigns do to children, apart from encouraging purchase. they lay the boundaries of language. inform speech and behaviour. i sincerely hope, for the sake of our ailing nationalism, that teachers know better. or what's left of them, anyway.
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