Friday, June 30, 2006
aquanaute 3:30 p.m.

luxuriating 2:46 p.m.

that's us in the picture, at my father's house. luxuriating in our sweats, as i imagine we'll do quite often in the next while. in the background: a painting of a bench with a sign that reads "nacionalizado de fresco" (freshly nationalised) - a daddy favourite. the sofa we're sitting on is an eighties brown curduroy ikea number that he just can't let go of. and on the table, my faithful laptop, source of unendning distraction and portal to the blogging world. oh! and let's not forget the laura secord cream egg, waiting nervously to meet its end.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
a good one 11:17 p.m.
Je me souviens d'une station wagon qui coupe la nuit
qui ouvre la nuit du nord comme un couteau de chasse
ouvre sa proie
Nous sommes tous là
ma mère ma sœur son mari et ses enfants tous
dans cette voiture c'est
Johnny B. Good Leblanc qui conduit son visage vaguement
éclairé par la lueur du tableau de bord
Je suis le seul des passagers qui ne dort pas tandis
qu'on continue avec un océan de vert meurtri de
chaque côté
Ma sœur dort sur le banc d'en avant
la noirceur qui rentre et sort de sa bouche ouverte
La nuit est longue et sans plis
La nuit est longue et sans plis
La nuit est longue et sans plis
La nuit est longue et sans Soudainement
quelque chose déchire le tissu quelque chose bouge
là et
le pare-brise devient un écran cinémascope les phares
de Twentieth Century Fox et Gulf Western éclairant
l'animal l'animal l'orignal en plein milieu du chemin
qui fige et
fixe son destin qui roule vers lui à 60 milles à l'heure
Ses yeux ses yeux ses yeux ô dieu son regard jusqu'à
la dernière minute et le choc sourd-muet de fer contre
Et ma sœur qui se réveille en criant un grand cri
fou et
final comme si l'âme de l'orignal avait passé dans
elle en
mourant et enfin
le silence
le silence de notre silence dans
le silence entre
Timmins et Toronto.
a fountain of sugary fun 10:49 p.m.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
he is a good man and a gentle man 6:44 p.m.
he watched me while i was slept, he said, more than once. i watched him sleeping many times, too. he was a cute sleeper. made me a picnic once at runnymede station. drank vodka with me in high park. sat next to me at matriculation and made me melt. he hurt me tonight, though, walking away without parting words. fair enough he didn't give them to me. i probably didn't deserve them.
he is a good man and a gentle man. i will not be angry because it is not best. i will be sad, instead.
in some grand procession of ignorance 10:35 a.m.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
relegated to the IT room 10:02 a.m.

Monday, June 26, 2006
afternoon anxiety 3:13 p.m.
pretzel typing away in frantic heat and hearbeat
commercials and cigarettes swirling mad colour
storms unpredicted and mean in their acute
emptiness torture porcelain responsbilities, woes
cracked and left to steep in soft ash powder
shit and shit and shit and failure tempts
knocking at the animal door loud pounding
echoes tremble my hands and quake my life
aspiring to nothing but tomorrow and the next
happy breath
Saturday, June 24, 2006
pat methany group - first circle 1:12 a.m.
and he sits, listening to it all, caught up in his heart. blue eyes wide with pink skin around, smiling stubble and remembering us as children. when we pulled at his worn shirt, tugged at his hands, begged to show him the fruits of days.
working hard to work hard, he is. breathing deeply as though in exercise, meters from a gentle , spotless, vegetarian kitchen.
he knows, but he's had years to know. i am a muddled person. grow me up? i don't know, couldn't possibly know...but i want, i try, i am upset.
he is not near and he seems never to be so. the inequality keeps him busy. the lost years.
the workers and his work.
how i would like him to be happy! truly happy...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
that, believe it or not, is me 8:56 a.m.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
six reasons i won't leave the house 5:26 p.m.

culprit 'coons 5:08 p.m.

Monday, June 19, 2006
microsoft paint says, "pride is coming!" 3:22 p.m.
come hither, super 2:53 p.m.

it's too hot to walk to the mail box 1:19 p.m.
monsieur benjamin,
ça va? je suis contente de savoir que tes tableaux vont bien. je suis certaine que tu réussiras tes examens. est-ce qu'il fait chaud dans ton coin du monde? 31 degrés ici aujourd'hui. je crois avoir déja (je n'arrive pas a trouver l'accent grave) mentionné que mon apart n'est pas climatisé. je n'ai pas dormi hier soir, même qu'il y avait un peu de pluie. en plus, il commence a être difficile a respirer. l'air est très épaisse a toronto durant l'été. la job va bien, par contre.
c'est drôle, j'avais sincèrement l'intention de t'écrire une vraie lettre en blogue, mais je n'y arrive pas. il me faut une plume et un papier.
a bientôt. bises.
i really hope it's pms 1:12 p.m.

Sunday, June 18, 2006
a list of my favourite candy 8:15 p.m.

i know i've said that i don't like sweet things, but that's not entirely true. i mean, i don't like them now, but i used to. despite my parents' best efforts, i lived almost exclusively on a diet of sugar and citric acid for the better part of my pre-teen years.
- nerds (the tiny coloured ones in complicated boxes)
- hershey's cookies and cream bars
- the haribo candies that looked kind of like jube-jubes but had poppy-seedish thingys on them
- red skittles
- sour watermellons and grapefruits
- worms of all kinds
- some french sucking candy
- wunderbars
i miss this cat 7:31 p.m.

can't let go of ani difranco 7:17 p.m.

we were standing in a bathroom doorway
when you asked, smiling cagily if
i’d ever been gay and if
it had been (here, you winced)
in that ani difranco way i heard
footsteps creaking closer and i think
you did, too because you smiled
and closed your eyes the way
you do sometimes and i was deseperate to say
that no pop culture reference could ever
convey my sincerity, sarah
but i faltered, tripped over my own words
and somebody else’s footsteps
fell to the pavement with a thud
and barely managed to mutter
that i didn’t think so
not in that way, i mean
the country game 5:25 p.m.
A: canada
B: argentina
C: armenia
D: does every damn country name end in A?
A: no, dumbass
D: um...hint anyone?
A: think sand. the war against terror.
D: iraq?
C: it has to start with A, moron
D: oh, right. um...
A: afghanistan. let's get on with it. nigeria
B: not fair. is this line getting any shorter?
seriously, it's fun. especially if you prepare ahead of time.
tuna pasta salad = yummy in my tummy 4:21 p.m.

the world's biggest spreadsheet 4:14 p.m.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
our summer project 2:09 p.m.
Friday, June 16, 2006
tricky blue: a poem to the sound of mozart's requiem - XIII 4:54 p.m.

the place is dark, carpeted with latex,
walls painted red with blood. enter to
staircases and ominous hallways
which widen and narrow like the
hot, fleshy throat of a swallowing beast.
there is an escape from the smell of sticky
love consumption - the swimming pool. it is out
of doors: a severe concrete rectangle filled with tepid,
tricky water which appears blue but isn't. women
are collapsed supinely on wobbly plastic chairs.
folds of them inhabit gloriously temporary furniture.
they splash about in the infancy of their freedom:
breasts are on display, creases and folds of skin
barely towelled press them for exposure.
and there is music. a decided beat eminating
from behind half-closed doors finds silhouettes
dancing to a different rhythm. and what
could i say to her? she smiles with her entire
face, this one. white skin taught around her soft
stomach, she walks like a boy. has a serious jaw bone.
swim trunks and beautiful breasts above them.
i see her dip beneath the water's surface and watch
as she shakes her hair free of tricky blue water.
she is no boy. and as she swims toward another
body i notice that's it's no boy she's kissing, either.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
when i'm fucked up 1:02 p.m.

words, can't
them. they
look all wrong,
all of them.
beethoven, my lover 12:55 p.m.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
christ, he's going to harvard 2:26 p.m.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
medicate me, someone 5:28 p.m.
some smelly thing and soak, she says. breathe. my eyes
dart about the room without permission. they like
the crown molding, the piles of dust cowering at the feet
of objects, the stain on the side of my antique refridgerator.
it's intricate. ice cream, i think. i haven't the attention span
for this.
list of my favourite movies 9:49 a.m.
- chariots of fire (1981)
- searching for bobby fischer (1993)
- show me love (1998)
- dirty rotten scoundrels (1988)
- sabrina (1954)
- the secret garden (1993)
- a little princess (1995)
- reach for the sky (1991)
- the cutting edge (1992)
sound familiar? 9:34 a.m.
Passive-aggressive personality disorder is a chronic condition in which a person seems to passively comply with the desires and needs of others, but actually passively resists them, becoming increasingly hostile and angry.
Psychiatrists no longer recognize this condition as an official diagnosis. However, the symptoms are problematic to many people and may be helped by professional attention, so we include it here.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
The causes are unknown, but, like most personality disorders, a combination of genetic and environmental factors are probably responsible.
Signs and tests
Personality disorders are diagnosed by psychological evaluation and a careful history of the extent and time course of the symptoms. Some of the common signs of passive-aggressive personality disorder include:
- Procrastination
- Intentional inefficiency
- Avoiding responsibility by claiming forgetfulness
- Complaining
- Blaming others
- Resentment
- Sullenness
- Fear of authority
- Resistance to suggestions from others
- Unexpressed anger or hostility
Counseling may be of value in helping the person identify and change the behavior.
Expectations (prognosis)
The outcome can be good with treatment.
- Stunted career development despite good intelligence
- Alcohol abuse or other drug abuse or dependence
Monday, June 12, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
HOT CLOUDS 2:38 p.m.

There is a very tall smokestack in the West part. I used to have a plan to paint it pink with flowers. Yellow ones, I think, the big symmetrical hippie kind. My parents thought it was adorable. The stack's a symbol, I'd say. It looks like a penis, a cigarette...The postcards prefer the nickel. The giant nickel.
Things are lonely here, I'd say. The pick-up truck engines, the mosquitoes, the beat-up kids, their dirty hands and pocket change make lonely noises. So do the bingo halls and the bowling alleys. The strip malls by twilight, that's where you'll find love. Those dirty hands fondling the young parts of cleaner bodies in the Silver City parking lot. Or behind the Subway restaurant. They call them restaurants here.
googler interrupted 8:55 a.m.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
poetry in public 12:06 a.m.
Monday, June 05, 2006
my sister needed help (that's her) 11:28 p.m.

My days are long and hard and filled with heat
They stick and stink and hurt with no relief
Laughter seems to blind me through the night
So that I might maintain or feign good sight
Their trays and ways find me wanting a break
As though that were enough to stay awake
I’d like to think that work means more than this
Although right now I’d do much more for bliss
Red stains, blue stains, green stains and work tonight
I thought I’d once had soul to make a fight
But truth be told I’m too damn tired for that
And dream I’d quit right now but for that rat
He makes me think I’ve got no good to me
Makes me want to change the things I see
Makes me want to do something much more
Much more like a good thing and even more
The night is dark when I am done as though
Things were so great so bright without a row!
As though this weren’t the only thing there is
As though I had much more to bring than this
But truth be told it’s just words now are left
And words we know aren’t much but lower cleff
Versions of the thing we’d rather say
And what better to do on this bright day
something i was supposed to do earlier 10:03 p.m.

Ex Libris: Ven. T. L. Leadbeater D. D.
To Kate
From Grandma & Grandpa
Spring 2004
I haven't read it. I'll sleep with guilt tonight. Here's 161, sentence 5: "But Philby rightly declared that for Iraq this was not a happy introduction to the democratic process."
if i had to ask... 9:22 p.m.

ben -- how far away are you...exactly
re -- what happened to you
marc s -- what next
marc r -- was i imagining
joel -- did you know
scott -- how did you invite me
nat -- are you happier
graeme t -- what if
andrew -- what would satisfy you
graeme j -- is it perennial
rambling -- i've run out of titles 9:09 p.m.
tired but not sleeping 12:07 a.m.

Sunday, June 04, 2006
beer and commas: in the interest of encouraging the appropriate use of both 2:04 p.m.
i like to drink white beer, blonde beer, red beer, and dark beer. all beer, really.
the comma splice: a punctuation error in which a comma with no conjuction is used to join two independent clauses. i'm a big fan.
it's nearly ten to nine, we won't reach the beer store before close.
these last few days 7:19 a.m.

Saturday, June 03, 2006
major anxiety 7:49 p.m.