pretending to do important things, essential really. using my business voice: hello such and such, this is kate calling on behalf of so and so and how are you today? reminding myself and everyone else all too frequently that i have a leather briefcase (black), a salary (benefits pending), a proper trenchcoat (beige) and a credit card (VISA). i don't mention that it's maxed or that i've never dry-cleaned or that the salary's laughable or that i haven't a work ethic to speak of. i don't tell that showing up's half the battle and the other half's the business voice. those are my secrets. not so secret anymore, i guess.
to be fair, i've nearly got business cards and worked seven days this week. as though that means anything. some boy says i'm beautiful. the cat still seems to like me. so do my parents, apparently. but they'd all think me sparkle anyway, that's what they're there for.
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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